Copyright Policy
By downloading any resources from The Technology Educator™, you agree to the following:
You may use resources for personal and/or direct classroom use only.
In order to support us, we ask that you always acknowledge as the source of the resource. If you love our resources, why not let others know about The Technology Educator™?
You must not reproduce or share this resource with others in any form.
You may not use your account to download and print for anyone else, as this breaches the account usage licence.
You must not host or in any other way share our resources directly with others, without the prior written permission of The Technology Educator™ CEO.
You must not use any product for commercial purposes and also you must not alter the digital versions of our products in any way.
You acknowledge that the product you download will remain the property of The Technology Educator™ at all times and you agree to our general site Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions about our copyright policy, or to discuss any of the above, please email us: